Saturday 26 March 2011

Photojunction Wedding Album Software

I've just tried the Photojunction (PJ) Wedding Album software as used by none other than the great Jerry Ghionis - just type his name into your browser and see some of his fantastic work. Any way, after a slow start and getting to grips with setting things up, the programme is really quite impressive and allows an amazing range of features to be included in your album design. And it's FREE!

I will continue to use my Yervant Page Gallery software (not free - and expensive!) but this programme is worth a look if you haven't tried it.

Here's a link to a test album sampler I made using PJ and exporting the hi res files into Adobe Premier Pro and then onto ExposureRoom.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Joe Buissink Seminar

I attended a seminar by Joe Buissink today. Joe is reportedly "one of the best wedding photographers in the world". He is based in Los Angeles and has photographed the weddings of many celebs including Jennifer Lopez, Christine Aguilera, Kelsey Grammer and Hilary Swank to name but a few, as well as the 60th birthday of Steven Spielberg.

Joe's photographic style is all about capturing the moment and frankly his images are stunning. Also, interesting from a photographic point of view, he shoots a lot of his work in black and white film.
Was the seminar worth it? You bet! This guy is amazing. So passionate about capturing emotion and letting the image tell the story. Really inspiring.

Photo above is one I got of Joe with the Canon 5D MkII with 70-200 lens.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Studio Lighting Workshop

Today was my first real chance to play with proper studio lights as opposed to normal flash guns. A small group of only five photographers involved so plenty of time for one to one with the workshop leader - Richard, really nice guy. The dramatic effects we got after a couple of hours were really quite impressive - below is one of my "dramatic lighting" shots - no model, just Richard. Is it me or does he look just a little bit like the guy off some of the L'Oreal adverts or even the actor Alfred Molina?

Thursday 10 March 2011


This week I was in Amsterdam. Weather bright but really freezing. Any way, I was there for a conference but managed to get a couple of reasonable "touristy" shots while walking back from Central Station.


Saturday 5 March 2011

Canon Day

Welcome to my new blog.

For my first post I'll briefly chat about a day I attended with Canon at Park Cameras in Burgess Hill, Sussex. Really interesting stuff and thanks to Dave Newton who took us through some features of Canon cameras, peripherals and EOS software.

There were demonstrations of lenses and lighting set ups with a model, Claire, during the sessions. Here is my favourite shot of her taken with my own Canon, 85mm lens and on camera Speedlite with diffusion dome.

Also any feedback on my website would be welcomed. Thanks